Department of Soil Survey
Dept. Head: Ing. Ivan Novotný, Ph.D. novotny■ivanvumop■cz
The department solves these principal topics:
- systematic national updating and additional valuation of soil quality, including the supplementary survey on established locations and evaluation thereof
- updating of graphic and numerical background materials for the valuation of soil quality
- annual systematic updating and calculation of average soil price in respective cadastral districts pursuant to the Regulation No. 613/92 Code
- cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture ČR and ČÚZK when introducing the soil quality valuation into the real estate cadaster, including guidance and professional activities
- methodological guidance to personnel of Land Register Authorities, who carry out updating of valuated soil pedo-ecological units
Department is responsible for development and implementation of the Soil and Water Conservation Geographic Information System – SOWAC-GIS and its applications.